*Significant changes are highlighted’15/’16 Corn
• Exports were revised lower by 10 million leaving ending stocks at 1.706 billion or in line with estimates.
’16/’17 Corn
• Production was revised 60 million bushels lower based on a forecasted record yield of 174.4 bushels.
• Feed and residual usage decreased 50 million.
• Ending stocks at 2.384 billion bushels or 60.1 days of use was slightly above private estimates.
’15/’16 Soybeans
• Exports were increased another 60 million bushels to a record 1.94 billion total.
• Ending stocks came in below expectations at 195 million bushels or 18.1 days of use.
’16/’17 Soybeans
• Production was revised up an additional 141 million bushels on record yields and well above estiamtes.
• Higher production offset lower beginning stocks and higher crush and exports by 10 and 35 million bu.
• Ending stocks at 365 million bushels or 32.8 days of use was slightly above private estimates.
’15/’16 Wheat
• No significant changes.
’16/’17 Wheat
• No significant changes.
• Ending stocks at 1,100 million bushels was in line with estimates.
World Estimates
• South American corn production for the next production season was revised higher on increased acreage while soybean output was lowered on declining acres.
• Chinese corn production was lowered slightly and imports increased on less acreage due to greater switching to soybean plantings last spring.
• US beef, pork, and poultry output were all modestly lowered on smaller numbers and finish weights.
Click below to download the report.
September 16 USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates