*Significant changes are highlighted
’14/’15 Corn
o Ethanol grind was reduced 25 million bushels leaving ending stocks near estimates.
’15/’16 Corn
o No changes.
o Ending stocks were projected at 1.77 billion bushels or 47.0 days of use and above private estimates.
’14/’15 Soybeans
o Crush and exports were revised higher by 10 million bushels leaving ending stocks at 330 million and below private estimates.
’15/’16 Soybeans
o Crush was increased 5 million bushels leaving ending stocks below private estimates at 475 million bushels or 46.4 days of use.
Other Markets
o Brazil corn production was revised higher by 3 million metric tons on higher area and yield nearly matching the record 12/13 season. This left world stocks projected at a record high 197 million metric tons.
Click below for a downloadable pdf file.
June ’15 USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates