Corn – Neutral
o The acreage projection of 89.2 million acres planted was just above the 88.7 million acres average estimate and but below the 90.6 million planted last year.
o Acreage was fairly steady within the corn belt but dropped off in the Dakotas and Southern states.
o The focus will turn predominately to weather and demand going forward. Increased planting of sorghum and other coarse grains may continue to limit overall feed and export demand growth.
o Assuming normal weather, world carryout may remain flat to move slightly lower as growth in foreign demand leaves a larger deficit in the foreign supply and demand balance that is only partially offset by US supplies.
Soybeans – Neutral
o The acreage projection of 84.6 million acres planted was below the 85.9 million acre average estimate but still above the 83.7 million planted last year.
o Southern states added acreage while corn belt regions were flat to only modestly higher.
o Carryout both domestically and globally will be projected to build again sharply on normal weather and growing conditions for 2015/2016 potentially negatively impacting US export potential.
Wheat – Neutral
o The acreage projection of 55.4 million acres planted was slightly below the 55.8 million acres average estimate and the 56.8 million planted last year.
o Some switching from corn to wheat in South Dakota was offset by reductions in Kansas and North Dakota primarily.
o Carryout both domestically and globally will be projected to build again on normal weather and growing conditions for 2015/2016.
Click below for a downloadable pdf file.
March ’15 USDA Planting Intentions Acreage Report